Tuesday, June 12, 2007

And then there were three...

My goodness, I have been working my tail off. I'm down to 3 pages left on my website. I'm so ready for all my pages to be done! You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you, once upon a time it was nothing for me to stay up all hours of the night working on my personal websites.

I've owned purpletexen.net, gottalovethatgirl.com, and sainternetchef.com. I've probably had more just can't remember the web addresses any more. I think when I hit my 30s I guess all that sleep I wasn't getting back then was catching up with me. It takes all that I have to make myself stay up past 11pm these days. I know I'm being silly, but it's the truth.

Well I guess I'll see if there's anything else I want to do on my pages, so I'm outta here for the time being...

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