Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Long Time No Post

How do you make time for everything you commit to in your life? How do you pick and choose the things you want to commit to? Do you choose one over the other? These are the questions I've been asking myself lately. I have been so consumed with my involvement with TX Supports Jena Six which is now Equal Justice and have completely lost touch with this site as well as Raising Chefs and all the other sites I'm attached to. Not to mention my family. They've supported all my efforts with this new title of ACTIVIST that I so proudly wear, but they have suffered as well. My youngest for two weeks failed her spelling test and I know with my attention elsewhere she slipped through the cracks.

I have so much left to do with the book, but I'm not trying to rush myself. I know I've told people that the book will be out this year. Well, it's looking like the early part of 08 Raising Chefs might see the light. Self-Publishing is an uphill battle when you're on a somewhat fixed income. (Living paycheck to paycheck) Even though the initial fee with the company that I'm in partnership with has been paid. However, the package that I opted for didn't include the book layout and I need a professional to complete my layout, I'm but a amateur.

With that said, it took me almost 2 years to come up with the initial fee so with the upgrade for the layout it'll probably take me another few months. I'm also looking to purchase my own high performance 10 mega pixel camera and lighting equipment to take the food insert photos for my book. If I hired a photographer for that, boy...it would be another 2 years before the book could be on your kitchen shelf.

Wish me luck!!!

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