Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Ask and you shall receive...

I use to pray for ideas and nothing would happen for a long time. For years this would go on. But I knew I had something in me I wanted and needed to share with not only my friends and family, but the world. I kept believing that this simple life wasn't for me. I was supposed to do something amazing with my life. In the past 2 years I would say, prayer and keeping that close relationship with God has opened up so many doors for this little Texas Dreamer.

I not only have the ideas flowing, but praying for people to be put in my path is the biggest joy I've ever experienced. He keeps sending these influential, talented, inspiring, and intelligent people in my path, to get me that much closer to my dreams. I hope I can be that person for someone who needs me!

...thank you lord for all the blessings you've bestowed upon me. I receive everything that's you're will lord! Thank you!...

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