Tuesday, February 6, 2007

I'm a Role Model!

My 9-year old daughter told me today that she got up in front of her class and told everyone that I was her role model. I can't believe it. Just 5 1/2 years ago this same little girl told her older brother she hated me. With good reason I might add. I was going through a very tough time in my life. I was dealing with some horrible events that happened to me in my childhood and the depression I was sinking deeper and deeper in was taking me away from my children. I was crying all the time and neglecting them by staying in bed all day and they basically had to fend for themselves. I was mean and agitated most of the time wrapped up in my own deep dark world.

After hearing those life changing words from her back then triggered something inside of me. I wanted and needed to get better so I could fix what was apparently broken, my relationship with my kiddos. And that's exactly what I have been doing for the past 6 years now. I went to counseling for the molestation demands. I cleaned myself up, started taking care of my appearance. And we all started healing together.

I think she's my role model, because she is such an awesome 9-year old. She’s a very brilliant businessperson even at her young age. I thank God everyday for that wake-up call. Its something I needed and welcomed after the fog lifted.

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